This 10-hour training course will help prepare you for the FileMaker Certification exam. Richard Carlton has 33 years of experience with the FileMaker Platform and is a Certified Developer. Richard will walk you through this Special High-Intensity Training. The training is specifically designed to give people the skills and confidence to pass the test. This is assuming you have 24 months of FileMaker experience. This was a Livestream event, but you can still watch the recording. Passing the certification test is a major requirement for being hired to work as a professional FileMaker developer.
Hi everyone Richard Carlton here. Every day at FMTraining.TV, we’re doing free live streams at one o’clock Pacific time. And I’m always asking people what sort of content they would like to see repeated over and over and over again. People tell me. Hey, we need help learning how to pass the FileMaker certification test. It’s something I’ve kind of resisted for a while, but people really want me to do this. Specifically, this will be a solid week of intensive FileMaker certification training. That’ll run about 90 minutes a day over in the course of five to seven days.
Now, you have the option of attending this event, or you can ask questions along the way, or you can watch a recorded version of this event after the fact. This event will be live on January 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th. And maybe a couple more days after that if we need the time. What we’ll be doing every day is taking classes and recommended study guides and diving into that in great detail. And because of all my years of training and all my years of certification, I can help put the emphasis on the training where it needs to be that way, you have an excellent chance of passing the certification test. Now, this training is ideal for someone who’s taken a test and maybe missed it by a little bit, or you’ve been using FileMaker for more than two or three years. And you’re fairly comfortable with it. But you probably don’t have a sufficiently well-rounded knowledge base to pass the test. The good news is, that you don’t need a really high score to pass the test. We had someone the other day pass the test with 62%. That’s pretty low. So, my goal is to not teach you FileMaker from scratch but to take people who already know some things about FileMaker. And enhance their knowledge to get past that 62% threshold.
Because once you pass a test. No one knows whether you pass it with percent or 62%; only you know. A pass is a pass, as they say in the business. And so, we’re gonna have a lot of fun during this event. So, how do you attend the event? Anyone who has a current subscription to our complete training bundle gets to come to this event for free. You’re also going to get the recordings for free. But you must be an active current subscriber to our complete training bundle, so if you’ve been supporting the live streams by purchasing our complete training bundle, which has over 100 hours of FileMaker training in it. Training on Pro, on Go, on Server, and on Cloud is a very large training package. You get to go to this certification training, absolutely free as a Christmas thank you gift. For the appreciation that I have for you for supporting FMTraining.TV. If you’ve never had a complete training subscription or you’ve let it expire and not renewed, now is a really good opportunity for you to renew that. To get some FileMaker certification training that won’t be available to you any other way.
FileMaker Certification training is available now!
$249 Learning FileMaker Complete Bundle. Annual Subscription
· 10 hours of Certification Training
· Full version… FileMaker Pro 19 (Mac or Win)
· FM Starting Point Enhanced – Business CRM
· 70 hour FileMaker 19 Platform Video Course ($79 value)
· 9-hour FileMaker Deploy 19 Video Course ($39 value)
· 9-hour FileMaker Go Video Course ($39 value)
· 2-3 hour FileMaker UI Design Video Course
· 6-hour FileMaker for Startups and Entrepreneurs Video Course ($99 value)
· All Past Livestream Recordings
· 1 hour of one-on-one FileMaker Coaching (new customers)
· FileMaker Calendar Add-On Kit
Topics Covered
Defining Database Schema
Building Layouts
Working with Calculations
Working with Scripts
Securing FileMaker Systems
Deploying FileMaker Systems
Data Integration and More!
Special Training – Included in our Complete Bundle
Purchase FMTraining.TV’s Complete Bundle (annual subscription). You will receive all current and legacy training courses, including this brand new training. This new training will be available as a LiveStream, with the recordings available approximately one week later in your video player app.
Special High-Intensity Training – FileMaker Certification
Earn your certification patch.
Watch our FileMaker Certification Training, and once you are certified, we will mail you a FileMaker certified patch.
The patch is free; just pay to ship.
For General Questions, Estimates, Proposals, or Free Consultations
Click here to get more info https://fmtraining.tv/certification-training.php